- Slip/Trip & Falls
• Tried numerous slip/trip and fall cases involving store premises, HOA common grounds, apartment complexes and professional offices.
• Settled numerous slip/trip and fall cases as settlement officer.
- Liability for Criminal Conduct of Third Parties
• Handled numerous cases involving alleged failure to take precautionary measures or unreasonably unsafe conditions of apartment, condominiums or business premises resulting in sexual, physical and firearm assaults.
- Stairways
• Tried or settled scores of cases involving stairway falls, including insufficient co-efficient of friction, lighting and debris related, missteps, building code violations and failed or out of code railings and rise and run stair treads.
- Falls from Rail and Balcony Failures
• Tried a case involving plaintiff’s broken vertebrae caused by fall from balcony due to failed railing.
• Handled several cases involving severe injuries including TBI, fractured skulls and broken bones resulting from falls from second story stairwells and balconies.
- Sidewalks, Parkways and Parking lots
• Handled hundreds of cases involving walkway, sidewalk, parkway, and parking lot accidents.
• Tried a cases involving an unmarked ramp from sidewalk to parking lot of big box store exit.
• Tried several trip and fall cases related to elevation differentials along walkways and door thresholds.
• Tried slip and fall cases alleging insufficient co-efficient of friction or maintenance issues leading to puddles and slippery surfaces.
• Resolved as settlement officer cases involving adjacent landowners, city-owned sidewalks, uneven pavement, unsafe elevation change, tree roots and misrepair.
- Toxic Mold
• Handled numerous suits alleging toxic mold injuries and property damage.
- Injuries Arising from Teenage Parties
• Underage drinking leading to injuries and sexual assaults.
• Out-of-control teenage parties crashed by uninvited guests and street gangs leading to assault and injuries.
• Teenagers jumping from second story into pools resulting in serious injuries.
- Employer Liability (exceptions to exclusive workers compensation remedy)
• Handled punch press and rolling press cases:
- Rubber mill press caused crushing and trapped hand in hot rollers, cooking and rendering primary hand useless.
- Several finger(s) or hand off punch presses cases.
• Handled workplace assault and batteries.